Frequently Asked Questions

Troubleshooting Technical Problems

If you are an APPLICANT, use your NU Quest account to login.
STEP 1: Select Applicant as User Type.
STEP 2: Enter your Email Address registered in NU Quest.
STEP 3: Enter your NU Quest password.
STEP 4: Click Login.

If you are a NU STUDENT, use your Office365 account to login.
STEP 1: Select Student as User Type.
STEP 2: Enter your Office 365 username or email.
STEP 3: Enter your Office 365 password.
STEP 4: Click Login.

If you are an NU EMPLOYEE, use your Office365 account to login.
STEP 1: Select Employee as User Type.
STEP 2: Enter your Office 365 username or email.
STEP 3: Enter your Office 365 password.
STEP 4: Click Login.

If you are a Guest, a Parent, or Student's Sponsor, use your NU Bills Account to login..
STEP 1: Make sure you have already registered to NU Bills and verified your email. If not yet, click here.
STEP 2: Enter your NU Bills Username.
STEP 3: Enter your NU Bills password.
STEP 4: Click Login.
If you are using NU Quest account, verify the account existence by logging in to NU Quest.

If you are using your Office365 account, verify the account existence by logging in to Microsoft Office 365 If you are using NU Bills account, make sure you are already registered to NU Bills here.

Make Payment

Follow the steps below on how to make a payment using NU Bills:

STEP 1: Login to NU Bills.
STEP 4: Select Student Beneficiary from the drop-down.
STEP 5: Enter the present address during payment.
STEP 6: Select Payment Option (whether Installment Downpayment for new students/enrollment or remaining balances for enrolled students.
STEP 7: You will be redirected to Paynamics Gateway. Select the payment methods available in the system.
STEP 8: Complete the transaction by making payment. It will appear in Payment Transactions menu.
If you are using an Applicant or Student account, your sole beneficiary is yourself only.

If you are using an Employee or Guest account, follow the instructions below on how to add a beneficiary:

STEP 1: Login to NU Bills.
STEP 2: Go to Profile.
STEP 3: Add a beneficiary by entering the Student ID in the Student Beneficiaries section. Name of the Beneficiary will appear when the student has a record in the system.
STEP 4: Click the Save button.
You can view all your transactions in TRANSACTIONS menu.
Once payment has been verified by the Treasury Office, it will be reflected in Student Ledger in NUIS Student portal.


For inquiries in NU Manila:
for payment, contact the Treasury Office at 8712-1900 local 1217, 0919-0813960, 0977-0981104 or 0977-0981117
Email: (for new students)
for Certificate of Registration (CoR), contact the Registrar's Office at 8712-1900 locals 1212, 1214 or 1250, 8749-8209, 8749-8221 or 0919-0821482

Send us email using below template:

Email Subject: NU Bills Technical Issue
Email content must include the following:
  • Student ID of the Beneficiary
  • NU Campus

We also advise to include a screenshot of the problem or video snippet for immediate resolution of the raised concern. Then send it to:

Technical Support will be available every Monday - Friday (8:00AM to 5:30PM) and Saturday (8:00AM - 12:00NN).

Terms and Conditions

Except for meritorious reasons, dropping of the entire course load in a term shall not be allowed.

Withdrawal from enrollment requires the payment of fees in accordance with the following guidelines, as approved by the Commision on Higher Education (CHED)
-Ten percent (10%) of full tuition and other fees for withdrawals made during the first week of classes.
-Twenty percent (20%) of full and other fees for withdrawals made during the second week of classes; or
-One hundred percent (100%) of full tuition and other fees for withdrawals made after the second week of classes.
-Full withdrawals before the start of classes shall be imposed with a nominal processing fee.

Students who fail to apply for dropping of course(s) are considered officially enrolled and are therefore covered by all the provisions pertinent to enrolled students.

